Whose child is this? Updated and expanded

Whose child is this? Updated and expanded

  • $ 1000

For me, Metro World Child always goes back to New York City. I want to tell you that when I first went there, I had it all figured out: A five-year plan, a ten-year plan, a strategy for success, and a budget. But I had none of those. I had no idea how to make the whole thing work - I just knew I had to do something to rescue broken and hurting children. I spent years listening to so-called experts say that what was on my heart couldn't be done - especially in New York City. But I knew that wasn't true. I refused to accept that ministry to inner-city kids was impossible anywhere - especially in New York City.

Whose Child is This? is the story of a city filled with children who now have hope and a future because I refused to believe that anything was impossible with God... even in New York City.

"The ministries of Bill Wilson's Metro Church and its Sidewalk Sunday School are a fascinating story of God's healing hand in a desperately needy world. The good news is that these ministries are being copied with great success in cities across America..."


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